26 Aug

Amethyst is a beautiful gemstone, but not all stones are created equal! So how do you know what to look for when buying this beautiful stone? These five tips will help you to ensure that you get a high-quality amethyst and won’t be disappointed after making the purchase. Let’s jump right in!

1) Color 

The first thing you'll notice about amethyst is its beautiful color. Ranging from a light purple to deep, rich violet, amethyst is sure to add a pop of color to amethyst gemstone beads jewelry. But not all amethysts are created equal. When shopping for amethyst, be sure to pay attention to the color of the stone. The more saturated the color, the more valuable the stone. You can also check to see if the color seems even across the entire surface of the gemstone. If there are noticeable patches or streaks, this could mean that it's been treated with irradiation or heated too much to alter its color (and therefore value). You may want to keep looking! 

2) Size

When it comes to Brazilian Amethyst, size matters. The bigger the piece, the more expensive it will be. But that doesn't necessarily mean that it's better quality. Many times smaller pieces are of better quality because they have less surface area to be damaged. Look for a happy medium and find a size that you're comfortable with. 

3) Style

When it comes to buying Brazilian Amethyst, there are a few key things you should keep in mind. First, think about the style of the piece you're looking for. Do you want something modern or classic? Second, consider the color of the stone. Third, take into account the size and shape of the stone. Fourth, factor in the quality of the stone. Fifth, don't forget to budget for any extras like shipping and insurance. The most popular style is classic, which has been popular for centuries. 

When deciding on a color range, remember that Amethyst comes in all shades including lavender blue-purple to light pink-violet hues. So while some people prefer dark purple stones others may find them too dark and might prefer a lighter lavender hue instead. 

4) Setting

When you are looking for a piece of amethyst, it is important to take into account the setting. You want to make sure that the piece is set in a way that will best show off the beauty of the stone. The setting should also be durable so that it can stand up to wear and tear. A sterling silver setting is an excellent choice because it won't tarnish or change color over time. A prong setting holds gemstones tightly, but leaves some space between each prong, allowing light to shine through; this gives a beautiful reflective appearance. Bezel settings have metal around all sides of the gemstone; they're great for large stones as they help protect them from damage. 

5) Cut

When it comes to amethysts, the cut is everything. A well-cut amethyst will have even facets and be symmetrical. It should also be cut to maximize the stone's natural color. The more transparent the crystal, the better its clarity will be; this includes cutting a stone so that light reflects through it at certain angles or cutting off rough edges that may dull or diminish its sparkle. 


When looking for high-quality Brazilian amethyst, be sure to consider the following factors: color, clarity, cut, carat weight, and origin. By taking the time to do your research, you'll be sure to find a stone that you're happy with. Not only will this make it easier to avoid regretful purchases in the future, but it also ensures that you get the best deal possible. So don't rush into making a decision!

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